Kind Words


Thank you to our wonderful clients that have taken the time to write about their experiences with Sarvaga Light

What A Great Experience

Well Johan, thank you so much for an amazing weekend of reiki 1!!! Wow!!! What a great experience . . . . and the bonus? . . . . meeting such beautiful people, I learned so much from each of you. I have already been practicing my reiki on family members, I love the feeling of helping them to relax away from their busy lives, take time out and to feel the unconditional love I have for them. I think reiki helps to bring you even closer to your loved ones!
I don’t know how you do it Johan but keep doing what you do!! Since our reiki 1 course I feel much lighter and brighter in mood. I’m also calmer and less anxious about things going on around me, yes my problems are still there but they have somehow become kinda fuzzy, therefore do not seem as important or as magnified as before. I now realise, with your help, that things are exactly as they are supposed to be right now, if and when its time to change that’s what will be right then too. Thank you for bringing peace and love back to my life.

Gayle Reiki & Healing

A Great Big Thank You

I just want to let you know what a fantastic weekend you held, teaching Reiki 1. I must admit that not only was I nervous, but a little scared of what I was going to be taught, but within meeting everyone, and being around you, I was at peace and looking forward to it all. I was lucky to meet such wonderful people and know that we will become good friends, but also lucky to learn so much that will enhance my spiritual journey.

Your knowledge and understanding, especially your understanding, made it possible for us all to witness the wonderful teachings of Reiki and I can not wait to put my skills to good use. I have to tell you that when I got home, that night I went to say goodnight to my youngest and lay my hands gently on her shoulder and tummy, put some soothing music on and she was so relaxed, and I hadn’t even started any of the Reiki hand positions! She said that when I took my hands off, that she still felt calm and as if my hands were still there.

I also have had a few comments from work colleagues to say that I look more relaxed, and I just smile and share what happened on the weekend, its like though that I don’t want to share what experience I had, its my great secret, but know that what I felt, needs to be shared so that others can benefit from your teachings in the future. All I can say is a great big thank you again and again, as the weekend came to a close I was sad to leave the inner sanctuary of your place, but so excited to know that with what I have learnt, I can now help my friends and family relax and put my learning into practice. I look forward to learning more with you.

Thank you my friend, you are a great teacher.

D. Jenkins Reiki & Healing

He Has Helped Me To Rediscover Who I Am

I have known Johan for two years now and during that time he has helped to me to rediscover who I am as a person, and also to remember what my dreams were and how to go about achieving them. The main lesson that Johan has taught me is that I am my own person. No one else owns me or makes me do anything, it is my own ego which decides to react to people and situations. Once we take back our own power and forget the ego life can be lived much simpler.

My first meeting with Johan was an extremely profound experience in which I discovered how much I had emotionally shut myself off from myself, I had put up so many walls and I wasnt willing to let people in again as I was afraid of being hurt and rejected again. Johan over the last few years has helped me to pull down these walls and helped me to realise that im a strong, intelligent and lovely girl, who had forgotten who she was after being in a long term relationship who sense of self had fallen away, and had left her with what she felt was no identity.

I can now say that after Johans help I have found my sense of purpose once more, and with his continued help I am now on the right path for me, I have moved to Melbourne and I have just completed my first year of a double degree in Chinese Medicine and Human Biology, and all at the age of 31. He helped to realise that we are in charge of our lives and that no else can make us feel anything, or react to anything without us letting them do it. And its NEVER to late to follow your dreams, we should NEVER ever give up on our dreams, we just need to take baby steps and we will eventually arrive at our destination.

It has not been an easy journey, and there have been times in sessions where he has pushed me to places that I have not wanted to go, but that I have needed to evaluate, in order for me to move on, but all of this was done out of love and during each hard session he always made me feel safe and secure and loved.

I highly recommend Johan as a Reiki Practitioner, a meeting with Johan will change your life!

J. Bartrop Spiritual Counselling

Thank You For Your Help And Unconditional SupportI just wanted to drop you a line to let you know how much my recent reiki session with you has helped me. I don’t think I have ever felt as emotionally, physically and spiritually tired as when I went to see you a few weeks ago. I was especially worried about my wellbeing because of the impact it was having on my relationship with my daughter – only 17 months and needing a lot of my time and energy.

After seeing you – wow – how to explain it? It was like black and white. When my daughter reaches for me now, I don’t feel my stomach tighten with stress, I turn to her with open arms. During a time when there is so much joy to experience with her, this change in me feels like a priceless gift.

Thank you for your help and your unconditional support.

Kate Opie Reiki & Healing

Wasn’t What I Expected However It Turned Out To Be Much Much More

The course was very positive and left me inspired to change the things in my life that aren’t working. Realising that we choose how we feel or respond to situations is empowering. Also a good introduction to go on to do the longer workshops.

Opened up feelings that have been locked up in a safe, that I can now deal with. I wish I could go deeper to understand myself and why I am scared of being me and how I cover up my true feelings to stop my pain and anger. Well done.

I feel love, understanding and supported. I feel I have so much to offer, but also acknowledge you as my mentor and my spirit guides and angels for the unconditional love and guidance.

Tamara Courses & Events

Johan’s Energy Is Addictive

Johans energy is addictive!!! he is a man you instantly trust and love being around. As a teacher I know he will achieve great things and inspire many. My reiki workshop with him has taught me not only the incredible art of energy healing, but also that its not what I do in life that defines me – but how i do it!!!

I know the time I’ve spent with Johan will stay with me and remain invaluable.
From my heart Johan, Thankyou

Lisa Maher Reiki & Healing

If you are ready to grow, you can do this with Sarvaga Light.